Taxes for Traders, LLC is a firm set up to provide tax information, tax preparation and tax planning services to traders and active investors. There is a great deal of misinformation on web sites and in printed materials concerning taxes for traders and we hope to serve as a resource of correct tax preparation and planning information.

Leonard Rogofsky has been preparing tax returns for traders for over two decades (before it was so popular). He has the necessary experience with many different fact patterns to create tax reduction strategies and correctly interpret and apply new and constantly changing tax laws as they pertain to traders.
As an active trader himself, he has a natural empathy with traders and often spends as much time discussing trading and the markets, as he does talking about taxes. We all know trading is a stressful and time consuming way to make a living (but we love it). With the proper planning and application of the tax laws, traders will spend more time researching and analyzing the markets and not worrying about taxes and accounting.
Our firm was not created to sell you insurance products or to create needless entities with additional record keeping requirements and expenses for legal and tax fees. After discussing and analyzing your individual goals and needs, it may well be advisable to structure an entity for you to trade through for asset protection or income shifting purposes. In that case, we will work with or refer you to qualified experts in entity structuring, pension and benefit plans, etc.
We believe in client service which means that your tax return is completed timely and accurately and that your phone calls and emails are responded to promptly and with correct and informative answers. Your questions and tax work will be handled by professionals and not by receptionists or clerical employees.
Please email or call our office with any questions or for some free tax advice. It is always a pleasure to talk to traders and even better to save them money. We look forward to working with you.